District Operations
State-Required Public Notices
Updated 9/23/2022
In the summer 2022, Wadena-Deer Creek Public Schools inspected their school buildings for the presence of asbestos. The inspections are mandatory in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, “Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act” (AHERA CFR Part 763), for all schools instructing grades K-12.The Designated Person (DP) has the responsibility to authorize work being conducted in the school buildings. Lakes Country Service Cooperative (LCSC) has supplied the district with copies of a “Short-Term Worker Notification” forms that contractors are to sign, indicating that they have the necessary information pertaining to asbestos in the buildings. The DP is required to inform all contractors of the identity of known or suspected asbestos materials, the locations of these asbestos materials, and the location of the Asbestos Management Plan for that building. Contractors should also be instructed not to disturb any known or suspected asbestos materials.
LCSC conducted WDC School District’s most recent three-year asbestos re-inspections of district buildings on June 17, 2022. The next inspection will be due again on that date in 2025. Copies of the re-inspections have been filed in the Health & Safety compliance manuals. The district should ensure that a copy is also filed in the Asbestos Management Plan binder in each affected building.
LCSC also conducts periodic surveillance of asbestos-containing materials on a semi-annual basis.
Asbestos Awareness training is provided to district custodial and maintenance personnel during their annual safety seminar. LCSC conducts the annual training. LCSC reminds the district that new staff members must be provided with initial two-hour Asbestos Awareness training that includes basic information about asbestos, a review of the district’s Management Plan, and a building walk through identifying areas of Asbestos Containing Building Materials (ACBM); many elements of the initial training can be provided by the DP.
LCSC conducted the first Asbestos Periodic Surveillance for the 2020-21 academic year. All ACBM was found in good condition.
A copy of the Management Plan is available for review in the WDC District Office. It has a list of all locations and types of asbestos-containing materials found in each building and a description and time table for their proper management. Additional copies are available at $.25 per page. Questions related to the plan should be directed to Lee Westrum, Superintendent.
Annual notification will be provided on the school website at www.wdc2155.k12.mn.us under the District menu, then clicking on the Public Notices link, stating that any lead testing results will be available for viewing upon request from the program contact person. This notification will be provided continually on our website.
The WDC Schools, in accordance with a Minnesota Law that went into effect in 2000, is required to inform parents, guardians and staff, if and when, the school applies pesticides on school property. This law requires schools that apply pesticides to maintain an estimated schedule of pesticide applications and to make the schedule available to staff for review and/or copying at each school office.
Tentative schedule: Insects and rodents: Quarterly inspection and application, if needed. Inspections/applications scheduled in September, December, March and June. Vegetation: Bi-annual, application of herbicide if needed. Inspections every spring and fall. Applications mid-April through September. If you would like further information contact Aaron Jackson, Buildings/Grounds Supervisor.
Tentative schedule: Insects and rodents: Quarterly inspection and application, if needed. Inspections/applications scheduled in September, December, March and June. Vegetation: Bi-annual, application of herbicide if needed. Inspections every spring and fall. Applications mid-April through September. If you would like further information contact Aaron Jackson, Buildings/Grounds Supervisor.
Wadena-Deer Creek Schools provides a full continuum of special education and related services to eligible resident children and youth from birth through age 21 who are enrolled in district and non-public schools.
Each learner’s unique special education needs and educational goals are determined by the learner’s Individual Education Planning (IEP) team. Eligibility procedures include screening and individualized evaluations. Services are provided in the least restrictive learning environment appropriate for the individual learner. Parents have the right to review their child’s school records, to attend their child’s staffing, and are encouraged to make program recommendations for their child’s special education needs.
For more information contact Freshwater Special Education Services at 218-631-2281 or www.fed.k12.mn.us.
Each learner’s unique special education needs and educational goals are determined by the learner’s Individual Education Planning (IEP) team. Eligibility procedures include screening and individualized evaluations. Services are provided in the least restrictive learning environment appropriate for the individual learner. Parents have the right to review their child’s school records, to attend their child’s staffing, and are encouraged to make program recommendations for their child’s special education needs.
For more information contact Freshwater Special Education Services at 218-631-2281 or www.fed.k12.mn.us.
- 201_Legal Status of the School Board.pdf
- 202_School Board Officers.pdf
- 203_Operation of the School Board; Governing Rules.pdf
- 203.1_School Board Procedures; Rules of Order.pdf
- 203.2_Order of the Regular School Board Meeting.pdf
- 203.5_School Board Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 203.6_Consent Agendas.pdf
- 204_School Board Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 205_Open Meetings and Closed Meetings.pdf
- 206_Public Participation in School Board Meetings_Complaints About Persons at School Board Meetings and Data Privacy Considerations.pdf
- 207_Public Hearings.pdf
- 208_Development, Adoption, and Implementation of Policies.pdf
- 209_Code of Ethics.pdf
- 210_Conflict of Interest - School Board Members.pdf
- 211_Criminal or Civil Action Against School District, School Board Member, Employee, or Student.pdf
- 212_School Board Member Development.pdf
- 213_School Board Committees.pdf
- 214_Out-of-State Travel by School Board Members.pdf
- 401_Equal Employment Opportunity.pdf
- 402_Disability Nondiscrimination Policy.pdf
- 403_Discipline, Suspension, and Dismissal of School District Employees.pdf
- 404_Employment Background Checks.pdf
- 405_Veteran's Preference.pdf
- 406_Public and Private Personnel Data.pdf
- 407_Employee Right to Know - Exposure to Hazardous Substances.pdf
- 408_Subpoena of a School District Employee.pdf
- 409_Employee Publications, Instruction Materials, Inventions, and Creations.pdf
- 410_Family and Medial Leave Policy.pdf
- 412_Expense Reimbursement.pdf
- 414_Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse.pdf
- 415_Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults.pdf
- 416_Drug and Alcohol Testing.pdf
- 417_Chemical Use and Abuse.pdf
- 418_Drug-Free Workplace_Drug-Free School.pdf
- 419_Tobacco-Free Environment; Possession and Use of Tobacco, Tobacco-Related Devices, and Electronic Delivery Devices; Vaping Awareness and Prevention Instruction.pdf
- 420_Students and Employees with Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases and Certain Other Communicable Diseases and Infectious Conditions.pdf
- 421_Gifts to Employees and School Board Members.pdf
- 422_Policies Incorporated by Reference.pdf
- 423_Employee-Student Relationships.pdf
- 424_License Status.pdf
- 425_Staff Development and Mentoring.pdf
- 427_Workload Limits for Certain Special Education Teachers.pdf
- 501_School Weapons Policy.pdf
- 502_Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possssions, and Student's Person.pdf
- 503_Student Attendance.pdf
- 504_Student Dress and Appearance.pdf
- 505_Distribution of Nonschool-Sponsored Materials on School Premises by Students and Employees.pdf
- 506_Student Discipline.pdf
- 507_Corporal Punishment and Prone Restraint.pdf
- 508_Extended School Year for Certain Students with Individualized Education Programs.pdf
- 509_Enrollment of Nonresident Students.pdf
- 510_School Activities.pdf
- 511_Student Fundraising.pdf
- 512_School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities.pdf
- 513_Student Promotion, Retention, and Program Design.pdf
- 514_Bullying Prohibition Policy.pdf
- 515_Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records.pdf
- 516.5_Overdose Medication.pdf
- 516_Student Medication.pdf
- 516.5_Overdose Medication.pdf
- 517_Student Recruiting.pdf
- 518_DNR-DNI Orders.pdf
- 519_Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies.pdf
- 520_Student Surveys.pdf
- 521_Student Disability Nondiscrimination.pdf
- 523_Policies Incorporated by Reference.pdf
- 524_Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy.pdf
- 525_Violence Prevention.pdf
- 526_Hazing Prohibition.pdf
- 527_Student Use and Parking of Motor Vehicles; Patrols, Inspections, and Searches.pdf
- 528_Student Parental, Family, and Marital Status Nondiscrimination.pdf
- 529_Staff Notification of Violent Behavior by Students.pdf
- 530_Immunization Requirements.pdf
- 531_The Pledge of Allegiance.pdf
- 532_Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPs from School Grounds.pdf
- 533_Wellness.pdf
- 534_School Meals.pdf
- 535_Service Animals in Schools.pdf
- 536_Early Admittance to Kindergarten.pdf
- 601_School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals.pdf
- 602_Organization of School Calendar and School Day.pdf
- 603_Curriculum Development.pdf
- 604_Instructional Curriculum.pdf
- 605_Alternative Programs.pdf
- 606_Textbooks and Instructional Materials.pdf
- 607_Organization of Grade Levels.pdf
- 608_Instructional Services - Special Education.pdf
- 609_Religion.pdf
- 610_Field Trips.pdf
- 611_Home Schooling.pdf
- 612.1_Development of Parent and Family Engagement Policies for Title I Programs.pdf
- 613_Graduation Requirements.pdf
- 614_School District Testing Plan and Procedure.pdf
- 615_Testing Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEPS, Section 504 Plans, and LEP Students.pdf
- 616_School District System Accountability.pdf
- 618_Assessment of Student Achievement.pdf
- 619_Staff Development for Standards.pdf
- 620_Credit for Learning.pdf
- 621_Literacy and The Read Act.pdf
- 623_Mandatory Summer School Instruction.pdf
- 624_Online Instruction.pdf
- 625_Local Literacy Plan WDC (2024-25).pdf
- 701_Establishment and Adoption of School District Budget.pdf
- 701.1_Modification of School District Budget.pdf
- 702_Accounting.pdf
- 703_Annual Audit.pdf
- 704_Development and Maintenance of an Inventory of Fixed Assets and a Fixed Asset Accounting System.pdf
- 705_Investments.pdf
- 706_Acceptance of Gifts.pdf
- 707_Transportation of Public School Students.pdf
- 708_Transportation of Nonpublic School Students.pdf
- 709_Student Transportation Safety Policy.pdf
- 710_Extracurricular Transportation.pdf
- 711_Video Recording on School Buses.pdf
- 712_Video Surveillance Other Than on Buses.pdf
- 713_Student Activity Accounting.pdf
- 714_Fund Balances.pdf
- 720_Vending Machines.pdf
- 721_Uniform Grant Guidance Policy Regarding Federal Revenue Sources.pdf
- 722_Public Data and Data Subject Requests.pdf